Starting with version 2.4, H-Sphere requires that users creating credit
card billing profiles enter CVV (card verification value) to prevent fraudulent signups.
Merchant gateways supporting CVV verification approve the credit card.
If the credit card is rejected, the billing profile is not created.
H-Sphere doesn't store verification values. Once the billing profile
has been created, H-Sphere assumes that the credit card is valid and doesn't supply
verification values with subsequent credit card transaction requests.
Moderated Accounts
If a new account is moderated, it is added to the moderation list regardless of the
validation results. If validation is successful, it is marked as cvv validated.
CVV Configuration
By default, credit card verification is usually disabled,
which means all cards are automatically accepted. To enable CVV verification:
- Go to Settings->Signup Guard
- Check CVV Validation and click Submit Query.
CVV settings can be configured in the merchant gateway's interface (not in H-Sphere).
Make sure to allow transactions without verification values,
because H-Sphere sends verification values only when creating billing profiles.
Gateways that don't support CVV verification are sent transaction requests
without verification values (as in H-Sphere before 2.4).