In H-Sphere 2.3.2 and higher, H-Sphere uses some of ASP.NET features.
That's why ASP.NET should already be installed before installing or upgrading H-Sphere on a winbox
(according to winbox pre-installation guide).
If you want to upgrade ASP.NET on your H-Sphere, follow the instructions below:
- Download ASP.NET Framework from Microsoft site.
- Install this product following the installation instructions.
- In the command line type:
%WinDir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\%version%\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
%WinDir% is a path to the directory where Windows is installed (usually C:\WINNT)
%version% is a version of ASP.NET (v1.0.3705 or later)
- If you have the latest H-Sphere version and you don't need to update,
simply restart the service by typing in the command line:
net stop hssvc
net start hssvc