Changing IP Address To Domain Name In CP URL

Sometimes, mostly when you have just installed H-Sphere, you receive the following error while trying to access your Control Panel by domain name:

Control Panel Error
You have entered invalid control panel location. Please enter your account login and password.

In this case, you need to change your hostname to your CP domain name instead of the IP address:

  1. Log into your CP server as the cpanel user.
  2. Edit the file:
    vi ~cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/
    In the CP_HOST field, enter the domain name instead of the IP address.
  3. Important: If you changed the PATH_SITE_STUDIO variables in ~cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/ file to a domain name, make sure to change IP to the domain name in all SS conf files (/hsphere/shared/SiteStudio/psoft_config/).

  4. Restart H-Sphere.

Changing H-Sphere Port

By default, H-Sphere is configured to use port 8080, and it is not recommended to use other ports. However, if you still need to change the port:

  1. Login to CP server as the cpanel user.
  2. Edit ~cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/
    If you are running SiteStudio, also update this line:
    PATH_SITE_STUDIO = https://<CP_IP>:<CUSTOM_CP_PORT>/studio/servlet/psoft.masonry.Builder
  3. Edit /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
  4. If you are running SiteStudio, update all SiteStudio configuration files that are located in /hsphere/shared/SiteStudio/psoft_config/.

Changing Entire CP URL

Starting from version 2.4, Control Panel runs on the Tomcat servlet engine and therefore CP URL pathname configuration differs from that of JServ in prevous versions.

A typical H-Sphere control panel URL looks similar to   is the domain name,
psoft/servlet   is the mount point,
psoft.hsphere.CP   is the servlet name.

  1. Login to CP server as the cpanel user.
  2. Edit ~cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/ to change your servlet name and mount point:
    # old settings -- commented out
    # UPLOADER_URL = /psoft/servlet/psoft.hsphere.Uploader
    # DOWNLOAD_URI = /psoft/servlet/psoft.hsphere.Downloader
    # CP_URI = /psoft/servlet/psoft.hsphere.CP
    # CLIENT_CP_URL = psoft.hsphere.CP

    # new settings
    UPLOADER_URL = /cp/servlet/hsphere.Uploader
    DOWNLOAD_URI = /cp/servlet/hsphere.Downloader
    CP_URI = /cp/servlet/hsphere.CP
    CLIENT_CP_URL = hsphere.CP

    Important: To avoid problems, please check that the same servlet name and mount point are set in all these parameters! CP_URI takes the precedence otherwise.

  3. Logout from cpanel back to root and run the script to apply the new servlet name and mount point to the Tomcat configuration files and to the index page template ~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/index.html:
    cd ~cpanel/shiva/psoft_config
    The script replaces old servlet name and mount point in the following files:
    Original configuration files are backed up:

    Important: Don't forget to run this script after the H-Sphere update to apply your CP URL customization in the new version!

  4. Restart H-Sphere.

Related Docs:   Tomcat Configuration

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