In version 2.5 and up, all necessary Perl modules to be used by H-Sphere on
supported OS are installed from a single package hsphere-perl-x-x.
There is no need to update H-Sphere Perl modules by yourself,
as when Perl version is updated/downgraded, the /hsphere/local/config/perl/hspmod.switch utility is used to switch
Perl to a proper H-Sphere Perl modules version.
hspmod.switch has the following syntax:
hspmod.switch { -l | -v perl_version }
-l lists all possible H-Sphere perl module versions you may switch to.
-v switches to the modules of proper perl_version, which must be specified in 0-9.0-9.0-9 format.
The modules for both native OS perl and currently stable perl (versions 5.8.7 and 5.8.8) are included into
the latest perl package update.
The following Perl modules are installed to /hsphere/shared/lib/perl5/ or /hsphere/shared/lib/perl5/site_perl:
- Authen-PAM-0.15
- Crypt-PasswdMD5-1.3
- DBI-1.48
- DBD-mysql-3.0002
- DBD-Pg-1.43
- Digest-SHA1-2.10
- Digest-HMAC-1.01
- Net-IP-1.23
- Digest-MD5-2.33
- Data-ShowTable-3.3
- HTML-Parser-3.45
- HTML-Tagset-3.04
- MD5-2.03
- MIME-Base64-3.05
- Test-Simple-0.60
- Net-DNS-0.53
- URI-1.35
- Passwd-1.2
- Quota-1.5.1
- libnet-1.19
- libwww-perl-5.803
- ParallelUserAgent-2.57
- DB_File-1.808
- File-Spec-0.87
- Digest-1.10
- PodParser-1.26
- Storable-2.13
- Geography-Countries-1.4
- IP-Country-2.18
- IO-Socket-SSL-0.97
- Net-Ident-1.20
- Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.03
- Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.22
- Mail-DomainKeys-0.21
- Time-HiRes-1.73
- IO-Interface-0.98
The above mentioned modules are installed with hsphere-perl and required for proper H-Sphere work.
If you need other system Perl modules, you should install them by yourself.