H-Sphere Winbox installation creates three major directories and a range of sub-directories:
|--- HSphere
| |-
|--- HShome
| |-
|--- HSlogfiles
| |-
H-Sphere directory (usually C:\HSphere) includes system files:
bin - H-Sphere binary files ;
ftproot - new ftp root for the default FTP site;
logs - H-Sphere log files that can be found in the hsdir\logs
directory. (hsdir is the directory where H-Sphere is installed, e.g: C:\HSphere);
scripts - H-Sphere asp scripts files and configuration file (conf.inc);
skeleton - skeletons for websites and third party products;
stats - service directory for stats process;
wawrapper - service for wawrapper process.
Also the "cfg" virtual directory is created on the web site which
was selected as an H-Sphere website during the installation. This
directory points to the "scripts" physical directory.
Note: Please don't change the "cfg" directory configuration.
If any anything is changed, corresponding config parameters must
be updated in the conf.inc file, and H-Sphere service HSSvc must be restarted.
For proper work, H-Sphere needs several parameters listed in the H-Sphere
configuration file hsdir\scripts\conf.inc, such as:
- NetBios machine name ("domainName" variable);
- network adapter MAC address ("addressMAC" variable);
- users' home directory ("usersHome" variable);
- HTTP and FTP logs directory ("logPath" variable);
- MSSQL server name, login, password, etc.
HShome directory contains all user homes
They are located in one place such as <drive>:\hshome. Each home directory has account owner's name.
A typical user home has the following directories:
Each domain directory has content similar to the following:
logs directory would have subdirectories for each domain:
domain1.com - (log files in exYYMMDDHH.log W3SVC format)
domain2.com - (-//-)
domainN.com - (-//-)
Note that cgi-bin is not a required directory in the site structure and
depends on whether the cgi directory resource is enabled for the site.
The same is true of log files for individual sites, since H-Sphere has
the transfer log resource that allows users to access log files for their
HSlogfiles directory includes HTTP and FTP logs for all users.
It is a common directory which is located aside from log directories in user homes. Typically, it is located in the
disk root directory (<drive>:\hslogfiles) and has the following content structure:
|-www (HTTP logs)
| |--- W3SVC1 - (log files for 1 site in exYYMMDDHH.log W3SVC format)
| |--- W3SVC2 - (-//-)
| :
| --- W3SVCn - (-//-)
-ftp (FTP logs)
|--- MSFTPSVC1 - (log files for 1 site in exYYMMDDHH.log W3SVC format)
|--- MSFTPSVC2 - (-//-)
--- MSFTPSVCn - (-//-)