Upgrading Winbox to 2.102


This document explains how to upgrade your H-Sphere Windows module to version 2.102.

1. Download H-Sphere 2.102. If you didn't have H-Sphere software downloaded yet, you can download it from our website at:

2. If you don't know the current version of your H-Sphere Windows module, ask our support team at . There are some differences between upgrading H-Sphere from versions 2.09 and 2.095. If your version is older than 2.09, make sure to upgrade yourself to 2.095 first according the upgrade instruction for older versions.

3. Go to the directory YOUR_HSPHERE_DIR\\scripts, where YOUR_HSPHERE_DIR is your H-Sphere directory, e.g. C:\\HSphere.

4. Open the file Conf.inc in a text editor and add the following parameters:

Version 2.09

Version 2.095

  1. Global constants section:
    //FTP server which is to be used  
    //("IIS" and "ServU" are supported)
    ftpServer = "IIS"
    // SMTP server
    //IP of your SMTP server for use in PHP scripts
    //Release old IPs
    CronReleaseIPs = 0
  2. Log Statistics section:
    // log files can't be removed 
    //within this period (in days)
    logKeepPeriod = 30
  3. WEB/FTP constants section:
    // path to suspending warning skeleton 
    suspendSkeleton = "HS_DIR\\skeleton\\suspend" 
    //E.g. C:\\HSphere\\skeleton\\suspend
  1. Global constants section:
  2. //FTP server which is to be used  
    //("IIS"and "ServU" are supported).
    ftpServer = "IIS"
  3. Log Statistics section:
    // log files can't be removed 
    //within this period (in days)
    logKeepPeriod = 30
  4. WEB/FTP constants section:
    // path to suspending warning skeleton
    suspendSkeleton =" HS_DIR\\skeleton\\suspend"
    //E.g. C:\\HSphere\\skeleton\\suspend

Add the following sections and their parameters:

  1. ///////////////////////////////////// performance constants ///////////////////////
    //interval between two performances in milliseconds 
    pfGetInfoInterval = 100
  2. /////////////////////////////////////////// osCommerce ////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Path to WebShop skeleton 
    OSCommerceSkeleton = "HS_DIR\\skeleton\\OsCommerce" 
    //E.g. C:\\HSphere\\skeleton\\OsCommerce
  3. /////////////////////////////////////////// ServU /////////////////////////////
    // Serv-U registry path
    suRegPath = "SOFTWARE\\Cat Soft\\Serv-U"
    // Serv-U default FTP domain number
    suDefaultDomain = 0 
    // HsAuth filter path
    hsAuthPath = ""
  4. /////////////////////////////////////////// ASPSecured ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  5. // Path to ASPSecured skeleton
    ASPSecuredSkeleton = "HS_DIR\\skeleton\\ASPSecured"
    //E.g. C:\\HSphere\\skeleton\\ASPSecured
  1. ///////////////////////////////////// performance constants ///////////////////////
    //interval between two performances in milliseconds 
    pfGetInfoInterval = 100
  2. /////////////////////////////////////////// ServU /////////////////////////////
    // Serv-U registry path
    suRegPath = "SOFTWARE\\Cat Soft\\Serv-U"
    // Serv-U default FTP domain number
    suDefaultDomain = 0 
    // HsAuth filter path
    hsAuthPath = ""
  3. /////////////////////////////////////////// ASPSecured ////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Path to ASPSecured skeleton
    ASPSecuredSkeleton = "HS_DIR\\skeleton\\ASPSecured"
    //E.g. C:\\HSphere\\skeleton\\ASPSecured

5. Run the file you have downloaded (HSInst23.exe).

6. Open a browser, and type the following string in the address bar:
https ://YOUR_WINBOX_IP/cfg/hsadmin-set.asp?newlogin=YOUR_LOGIN&newpassword=PASSWORD.
For example: https ://
Don't forget to substitute YOUR_WINBOX_IP, YOUR_LOGIN, and PASSWORD with real values. You can get them from your CP database.

7. Run HSInst.exe one more time.

8. Download the security patch to set necessary permissions on user homes and system directories from

9. Run patch.exe from the command line, using the following syntax: �patch.exe > patch.log�. Attention! The patch requires a lot of processor resources and may take a long time to execute. It is recommended to launch it at low attendance hours.

Note: it is highly recommended to save the patch.log file for the future.

10. Inform about the upgrade. This is required so you can get appropriate support.


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