MySQL 4.x Update

This document explains how to update H-Sphere MySQL servers to version 4.0.16 on Linux and version 4.0.17 on FreeBSD. The update is performed on the control panel server as root and affects all H-Sphere boxes running MySQL.

Affected Packages

H-Sphere apache has MySQL support enabled. Therefore, if a MySQL box runs a WEB server, the following packages will also be reinstalled:
* hsphere-zziplib
* hsphere-frontpage
* hsphere-apache-webbox
As a result, the file (apache php module) will be updated, too.

Custom Installations

The update applies only to standard apache installations.

If you have customized H-Sphere apache modules, for instance PHP, or mod_throttle, you'll have to recompile them after the upgrade.

If you have added custom apache modules, such as mod_gzip or mod_security, you'll have to disable them before the upgrade, then recompile and add them after the upgrade.

Update Procedure

  1. Log into the control panel server as root:
    su -
  2. Back up the file /hsphere/shared/apache/libexec/ if applicable
  3. Untar the archive:
    # tar xfz u-mysql.tgz
  4. Enter the u-mysql directory:
    # cd u-mysql
  5. Run the update script
    # sh


If Apache restarts, but sites do not come up, and apache log file /hsphere/local/var/httpd/log/error_log contains errors like "segmentation fault" or "child crashed", make sure to recompile custom Apache modules you may have installed, such as mod_gzip, mod_security, etc.


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