Patch 1 For RC4
This patch is only for H-Sphere build 2.3.318. Further builds starting with 2.3.319 and subsequent patches
will include these fixes.
This patch:
- fixes SystemInfo overload;
- fixes number localization problems with registrar prices, reseller prices and credit limit in plan wizards;
- provides a correct directory for Virtual FTP + VFTP anonymous in the ftp config file;
- adds descriptions to exported bill entries;
- fixes TT Autoclose Cron looping.
To install the patch:
- Log into your control panel server as root.
- Unpack the patch:
tar -zxf RC4PATCH1.tgz
- Change dir to where you have unpacked the patch:
- Type 'make install' to install the patch.
- Restart Control Panel (see here for instructions).