Multiple Mail resources
Customers can create a number of mail resources like mailboxes, mail forwards,
mailbox aliases, autoresponders, mailing lists and mail domain aliases.

Mail Relays
User mail relays are meant to queue incoming mail on a different mail server while
the master mail server is down and is unable to receive incoming mail.

Virus and Spam Filtering
The Qmail update incorporates SpamAssassin and ClamAV filters.
You can configure general and antispam Qmail settings directly from the admin H-Sphere web interface:

Per User/Mailbox AntiSpam and AntiSirus Settings
Customers' mailboxes and mail domain aliases are filtered for incoming
spam or
messages. You can configure AntiSpam and AntiVirus for mail domain or for a specific mailbox.

Integrated WebMail
H-Sphere comes with two webmail packages, IMP and SqWebmail.
You can choose the one you like better to offer to your customers.
