Adding IPs


To add IPs to a logical server:

  1. Select L.Servers in the E.Manager menu.
  2. Select the logical server from the list:

  3. On the page that appears, enter the IP(s):

    • From: enter the first IP of the range of dedicated IPs. If you are adding only one IP, enter it here.
    • To: enter the last IP of the range of dedicated IPs.
    • Mask: enter the netmask -- you should have received it from your Internet Service Provider.
      When adding a pool of IPs on FreeBSD servers, add the first IP separately with the real mask, then add the other IPs as a pool with the mask
    • Type: select the type of IP you are adding to the system:

      • Dedicated IP - the IP will be dedicated only to one site/service. Choose it only for web and mail servers.
      • Shared IP - the IP will be use by multiple web sites under Unix and Windows via typical Virtual hosting. Choose it only for web and mail servers. Make sure to add shared IPs one by one, NOT as a range of IPs.
      • System Management IP - reserved for future use. Don't select it.
      • Service IP - choose it for all logical servers other than web, mail and win.
        If you add a service IP to a logical server in the "Control Panel" group, make sure it is the IP of the physical server.
      • DNS Reseller IP - choose it only for resellers' name server aliases (version 2.08 and higher).
    • Shared IP Tag: a digital "mark" that helps to separate sites on one logical server. It allows you to allocate a separate shared IP address to a group of sites of, say, explicit nature. This may become necessary, because many corporate firewalls filter sites based on their IP address, not domain name. Note: Make sure to have one shared IP tag used by one shared IP within one logical server.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure the same dedicated or shared IP is not used by more than 1 server.

    When added to the logical web server, dedicated IPs are not registered in ipconfig. They are only added when new accounts are created.

  4. Added IPs will show up under IPs in the Logical Server section.

Once added, IPs can be painlessly changed only when no websites are running on the system. Changing IPs on production servers imply an IP migration

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