Changing Menu Structure


Related Docs:   Menu Design

This document explains how you can make changes into the XML structure in order to:



Texts for menu elements are set in language bundles:



XML Structure


Modifying Menu Groups And Items

Groups of menu items are set within the menus tag. Each group is defined by a menu tag and comprises definitions of items in this group (menuitem tags), as well as inclusions of submenus (initmenu tags).

<menu name="SomeMenu" label="somemenu.label" defaultitem="SomeMenu-Item1" tip="somemenu.tip">
    <menuitem name="SomeMenu-Item1" label="somemenu.edit.label"
            URL="template1.html" resource="" tip="somemenu.edit.tip"/>
    <menuitem name="SomeMenu-Item2" label="somemenu.add.label"
            URL="template2.html" resource="" tip="somemenu.add.tip"/>
    . . .
    <initmenu name="SomeSubmenu">
    . . .
<menu name="SomeSubmenu" label="somesubmenu.label" defaultitem="SomeSubmenu-Item1" tip="somesubmenu.tip">
    <menuitem name="SomeSubmenu-Item1" label="somesubmenu.item1.label"
            URL="submenu_template1.html" resource="" tip="somesubmenu.item1.tip"/>
    . . .

Attributes of the menu tag:

  • name - the name of the group.
  • label - the mnemonical identifier of the text label for the menu group name displayed in CP. This label is set in the bundle, for example:

    somemenu.label = Sample Menu Group

    See more about interface text bundles.
  • defaultitem - the name of the menu item that becomes active by default when the menu group is opened; contains the menu item name (the name attribute of the menu tag).
  • tip - the menu group tooltip label set in the bundle.

Attributes of the menuitem tag:

  • name - the name of the item.
  • label - the menu item mnemonical identifier from the bundle (see explanation above for the label attribute of the menu tag).
  • URL - the template file the item refers to, the pathname is relative to each design directory in the template directory. Read more in Understanding Templates for template directory structure.
  • resource - the resource name that must exist in the account for this item to be shown in the menu.
  • tip - the menu item tooltip label set in

Attributes of the initmenu tag:

  • name - name of the menu group referred to the name attribute of the menu tag described among other menus in the menus container.
  1. add/delete menu groups, items and submenus, and edit their attributes.
  2. choose menu items to be activated by default when menu group is opened in CP.
  3. restructure the order of menu items within a group.


Configuring Individual Menu Layouts For Different Hosting Plans

<menudef id="TestPlan">
        <initmenu name="acct-pref"/>
        <initmenu name="billing"/>
        <initmenu name=""/>
        <menuitem name="logout" label="logout.label"
         URL="design/logout.html&action=logout" resource="" tip="logout.tip"/>

The value for the id attribute of the menudef tag (TestPlan in the example above) must be the same as of the menuId parameter in the Plan Settings form (the Info->Plans menu, the Settings icon for the plan, in admin CP). Please refer to the Plan Settings document in Admin Guide.

These are default menu identifiers for the standard H-Sphere plan types:

unix - Unix plan;
admin - Admin plan;
ttadmin - Trouble Ticket Admin plan;
bill - Billing plan;
reseller - Reseller plan;
winduz - Windows plan;
real - Real Server plan;
mysql - MySQL Only plan;
email_only - E-Mail Only plan;
vps - VPS plan.

To add your custom menu and assign it to a specific plan, do the following:

  1. In the admin panel, in the plan Settings form, set the menuId custom value to custom_menuId (read the Plan Settings document in Admin Guide for details.)


Assigning External Links to Menu Items

It is not possible to put a direct URL to the external page in the menu XML description. The path in the URL attribute of the menuitem element is relative to design subdirectories of the template directory (~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates by default) and will be searched by H-Sphere according to its template lookup sequence.

A solution is in creating a template (specially-formatted HTML document) redirecting to an external URL.

<menudef id="admin">

This would mean we are going to change CP menu only for the admin user and the change would not affect resellers and other plans.

2) Within this menudef element, find the line:

<menuitem name="logout" label="logout.label" URL="design/logout.html&action=logout" resource="" tip="logout.tip"/>

3) Change the URL attribute to the HTML file which would redirect to the URL you want. It is preferable to place this file to the ~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/common/misc In this case, the URL attribute should be set as:


4) In the specified directory, create the redirecting HTML file. H-Sphere will search for it in ~cpanel/shiva/custom/templates/common/misc/logout_redirect.html.
See more about template lookup sequence.

The HTML redirecting document will be organized as follows:

    <meta HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=https://external_link">

5) Restart H-Sphere after the customization is dome.

6) Refresh browser to see the changes. It is better to log on again.

Related Docs:   Menu Design

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