System E-Mail Customization

(updated for version 2.4)


Related Docs:   Editing E-Mails To Customers (Admin Guide, HS v.2.4 and up)

System e-mail notifications are messages H-Sphere automatically sends to customers.

Before v.2.4, the only way to customize them was through customizing the special system notification templates, documents containing FreeMarker instructions for including dynamically-generated data. These templates are located in the shiva/shiva-templates/common/mail directory of the cpanel user's home directory (/hsphere/local/home/cpanel) and have .txt extension.

Starting from v.2.4, it came possible to edit system emails in the admin CP interface, in the Settings/Custom E-Mails menu. Both default messages and messages in each interface language can be customized there. Custom modifications are stored in the H-Sphere database and do not affect the system email templates. On the contrary, default settings can be restored from the templates.

This document explains where to find the default system email templates and how to customize them.

Note: Support info and checks info is modified in the Look and Feel -> Misc.Text menu by filling in the Customer Support Info and Checks Info forms.

Starting from v.2.4, it is strongly recommended not to touch the default system email templates; instead, you should edit notifications via Control Panel to be able to restore default texts from the templates.


System Notification Templates

Here is the list of default templates for system email messages that can be customized via CP interface starting from HS v.2.4:

Template Location
(in shiva/shiva-templates/common/mail/)
Notification Sent
Welcome Letter new_account.txt to customer on account activation
Welcome Letter for Moderated Accounts new_account_moderated.txt to customer on moderated check account registration (accounts waiting activation)
Welcome Letter For Moderated Account with CC new_account_moderated_cc.txt to customer on moderated credit card registration
Welcome Letter For Moderated Trial Account trial_moderated.txt to customer on moderated trial account registration
Trial Registration trial_account.txt to customer on account trial period expiration
Invoice invoice.txt to customer: - on each paid operation
- at the beginning of the next billing period
- on switching to another billing period
Money Back money_back.txt to admin when a user chooses to cancel hosting and wants his/her money back
Overlimit Notification overlimit.txt to customers when they reach traffic or disk usage limit
Account Suspended Notification suspended_account.txt to customers when their accounts get suspended
Account Resumed Notification resumed_account.txt to customers when their accounts get suspended
Accounting Error letter accounting_error.txt to admin on accounting error
Lost Password forgot_passwd.txt to customers after they enter their email address on the "forgot your password" page
Failed Signup Notification you_have_files_signups.txt to admin when customer signup fails
Domain Transfer Message tranfer_domain.txt to customers explaining how to transfer an external domain
Internal Ticket ticket_internal.txt to admin in case of internal problems
Shell Access Notificaton ssh_notification.txt to the customer when Shell Access is granted or refused (disabled)
Welcome Letter (Tax Exemption) new_account_tax_exemption.txt to new customers awaiting approval of their Tax Exemption Codes (v.2.4 and up)
Tax Exemption Approved Notification (Moderated Accounts) tax_exemption_approved_new.txt to new customers signed up to tax exemption plan, awaiting moderation
Tax Exemption Rejected Notification (Moderated Accounts) tax_exemption_rejected_new.txt to new customers signed up to tax exemption plan, on failing to verify tax exemption data
Tax Exemption Approved Notification (Live Accounts) tax_exemption_approved.txt to customers on tax exemption approval
Tax Exemption Rejected Notification (Live Accounts) tax_exemption_rejected.txt to customers on failing to verify tax exemption data

Below is the list of templates for standard texts sent as mass mail. Messages in these templates cannot be customized via H-Sphere interface:

Template Location
(in shiva/shiva-templates/common/mail/)
Notification Sent
Welcome Letter welcome.txt optionally from mass mail
User login and password login_psw.txt optionally from mass mail
User balance balance.txt optionally from mass mail

Customizing System Notification Templates

(deprecated and not recommended for v.2.4 and up)

  1. System email templates are located only in the common/mail directory in the template root directory. There is no mail directory in other H-Sphere designs.

  2. We recommend keeping Freemarker expressions such as ${...} intact while editing templates.

  3. We don't recommend placing texts directly to the templates. In this case, it would be impossible to have it translated to other interface languages. Instead, use text labels defined in language bundles. If, however, you do insert text directly into a template, this text must be in the UTF-8 encoding.

Related Docs:   Editing E-Mails To Customers (Admin Guide, HS v.2.4 and up)

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