In H-Sphere 2.4 and up, the system database must be in UNICODE (UTF-8). To convert your database to Unicode:
Step 1. Stop the control panel
Log in as root and stop the control panel:
For Linux:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpdcp stop
killall -9 java
For FreeBSD:
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop
killall -9 java
Step 2. Find out your current database encoding
To find the encoding, type:
su -l cpanel -c 'psql hsphere'
hsphere# \encoding
If the encoding is UNICODE (UTP-8), you've found what you need. If not, the next step is to
dump H-Sphere system database.
Step 3. Dump H-Sphere system database
Create and enter backup directory:
mkdir pg_backup
cd pg_backup
Get the password for wwwuser. You'll need it
to query the database:
cat ~cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/ | grep PASS
Dump H-Sphere system database.
Export schema:
pg_dump -u -s -f schema.db hsphere
chmod 600 schema.db
cp -p schema.db schema_backup.db
Export data:
pg_dump -u -a -f data.db hsphere
chmod 600 data.db
cp -p data.db data_backup.db
If your system database is large, the dump can take several hours
to complete. You can speed it up by setting
in postgresql.conf. When you are done, unset this option back for safety reasons.
The dump file is created with 644 permissions by default;
you need to set more secure 600 permissions
to prevent the data from being read by other users.
- For additional security, you may disallow access to the backup directory for all other users:
chmod 700 .
Step 4. Convert the dump to UNICODE
Convert the dump into Unicode with the iconv utility.
iconv --from-code=<REGIONAL_ENCODING>
--to-code=UTF-8 -o utf_data.db data.db
mv utf_data.db data.db
iconv -f <REGIONAL_ENCODING> -t UTF-8 data.db > utf_data.db
mv utf_data.db data.db
[ -]
If your dump file exceeds 2GB
1) Split it into smaller files, 1GB each:
split -b 1024m data.db data_db
2) Run iconvfor for each of these files to convert them to UNICODE:
iconv --from-code=<REGIONAL_ENCODING>--to-code=UTF-8 -o utf_data_db.aa data_db.aa
iconv --from-code=<REGIONAL_ENCODING>--to-code=UTF-8 -o utf_data_db.ab data_db.ab
3) Join them back into data.db:
cat utf_data_db.aa utf_data_db.ab ... > data.db
Here, <REGIONAL_ENCODING> is the source encoding.
For example, for native US English encoding:
iconv --from-code=ISO-8859-1 --to-code=UTF-8 -o utf_data.db data.db
iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 data.db > utf_data.db
The resulting data.db file will contain the data converted to Unicode.
For better security, run the following command:
chmod 600 data.db
Step 5. Save the postgres directory in a backup location
- Stop the database:
For Linux:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop
For FreeBSD:
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop
- Save the postgres directory:
For Linux:
cp -pR ~postgres/data ./
For FreeBSD:
cp -pR ~pgsql/data ./
- Start the database:
For Linux:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start
For FreeBSD:
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start
Step 6. Recreate H-Sphere database
Delete old H-Sphere database:
# su - cpanel
$ dropdb hsphere
Create database:
createdb -E UNICODE -U wwwuser hsphere
- Create H-Sphere DB schema:
psql -q -U wwwuser -f schema.db hsphere
- Import H-Sphere system data:
psql -q -U wwwuser -f data.db hsphere
Note: If you face problems with importing data, please see the
Troubleshooting section in CP Acceleration guide.
- If you added
to postgresql.conf, don't forget to delete it
- Start the Control Panel.