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Miva Installation for *nix


Related Docs:   Installing Miva on Windows How to update Miva 4 to Miva 5

Like all third party commercial products, Miva Empresa and Miva Merchant are purchased and installed separately from H-Sphere. Miva Merchant requires Miva Empresa (also known as Miva Virtual Machine or 'mivavm') for web server XML scripting, e-commerce and database capabilities.

  • Miva Merchant 5.x is supported starting with H-Sphere 2.4.3 Patch 1 inclusive. It requires Miva Empresa 5.02 and higher.
  • Miva Merchant 4.14 and later is supported from H-Sphere 2.3 RC 4 inclusive. It requires Miva Empresa 4.02 and higher.
  • Miva Merchant 4.13 and older is no longer supported with H-Sphere 2.4.3 Patch 1 and up!

This document explains how to install and configure Miva Empresa and Miva Merchant to work with H-Sphere. For extensive coverage of Miva products, please visit



  • Installed and properly configured H-Sphere system.
  • One valid Miva Empresa license.
  • At least one valid Miva Merchant license.


Miva Empresa Installation

  1. Log into the web server as root.
  2. Change directory to /hsphere/shared/miva. If you don't have this directory, create it first and set ownership to root:root and permissions to 755:
    mkdir /hsphere/shared/miva
    chown root:root /hsphere/shared/miva
    chmod 755 /hsphere/shared/miva
  3. Download Miva virtual machine distribution file from here to /hsphere/shared/miva.
    Linux: mivavm-vX.XX-linux_glibc2.tar.gz
    FreeBSD: mivavm-vX.XX-freebsd_45.tar.gz
    Here, mivavm is the product name, vX.XX its version name, linux_glibc2 is Linux glibc2 package, freebsd_45 is FreeBSD 4.5 operation system.
  4. Untar the unloaded file:
    tar xfz <DistributionFileName>
  5. Move the content of the directory mivavm-vX.XX to /hsphere/shared/miva:
    mv mivavm-vX.XX/* .
    rm -rf mivavm-vX.XX
  6. Set ownership to root:root on the content of the directory /hsphere/shared/miva:
    chown -R root:root /hsphere/shared/miva
  7. Move file cgi-bin/mivavm-vX.XX to directory /hsphere/shared/miva:
    mv cgi-bin/mivavm-vX.XX mivavm
  8. If you need to use commerce libraries you got from Miva, copy them to directory lib/commerce, then create links to them as follows:
    ln -s /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/ /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/
    ln -s /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/ /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/
    ln -s /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/ /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/
    ln -s /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/ /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/
    ln -s /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/ /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/
  9. If you have more than one web server, repeat the above steps for all web servers where you want to have Miva installed.


Miva Merchant Installation

  1. Log into the web server as root.
  2. Copy file Merchant-vY.YY-bundle.tar.gz to /hsphere/shared/miva. vY.YY is Miva Merchant version.
  3. Create a link to Merchant-vY.YY-bundle.tar.gz:
    ln -s /hsphere/shared/miva/Merchant-vY.YY-bundle.tar.gz Merchant-bundle
  4. In the admin control panel, select Global Resources in the INFO menu and make sure Miva Empresa Engine and MIVA Resource are enabled.
  5. Select L.Servers in the E.Manager menu, then click the web server, and at the bottom of the page that appears select the version of Miva Merchant:

  6. If you have more than one web server, repeat the above steps for all web servers where you want to have Miva installed.


- Login and Password for Miva admin interface are the same as for FTP unless a user has activated the original Miva Merchant setup.
- If Miva is enabled, the user can't remove the cgi-bin directory and CGI handler with .cgi extension in H-Sphere.
- mivadata and all its content is not removed when Miva resource is removed.
- To make Miva work via SSL (htpps), an SSL certificate is required. If a user cannot connect to Miva site by SSL (https://), log into your Miva Merchant control panel via http, go to the Domain Settings page -> Site configuration tab and check secure URLs.
- You can install two instances of Miva on one logical server, one version 4.12 and older, the other 4.14 or later.
- To enable Miva Merchant Follow Symlinks in mivaroot and stddatadir, you need to add the following line into the miva.conf file:


Related Docs:   Installing Miva on Windows How to update Miva 4 to Miva 5

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