Like all third party commercial products, Miva Empresa and Miva Merchant
are purchased and installed separately from H-Sphere.
Miva Merchant
requires Miva Empresa
(also known as Miva Virtual Machine or 'mivavm')
for web server XML scripting, e-commerce and database capabilities.
- Miva Merchant 5.x is supported starting with H-Sphere 2.4.3 Patch 1 inclusive.
It requires Miva Empresa 5.02 and higher.
- Miva Merchant 4.14 and later is supported from H-Sphere 2.3 RC 4 inclusive.
It requires Miva Empresa 4.02 and higher.
- Miva Merchant 4.13 and older is no longer supported with H-Sphere 2.4.3 Patch 1 and up!
This document explains how to install and configure Miva Empresa and Miva
Merchant to work with H-Sphere. For extensive coverage of Miva products, please visit
- Installed and properly configured H-Sphere system.
- One valid Miva Empresa license.
- At least one valid Miva Merchant license.
Miva Empresa Installation
- Log into the web server as root.
- Change directory to /hsphere/shared/miva. If you don't have this directory,
create it first and set ownership to root:root and permissions to 755:
mkdir /hsphere/shared/miva
chown root:root /hsphere/shared/miva
chmod 755 /hsphere/shared/miva
- Download Miva virtual machine distribution file
from here
to /hsphere/shared/miva.
Linux: mivavm-vX.XX-linux_glibc2.tar.gz
FreeBSD: mivavm-vX.XX-freebsd_45.tar.gz
Here, mivavm is the product name, vX.XX its version name, linux_glibc2
is Linux glibc2 package, freebsd_45 is FreeBSD 4.5 operation system.
- Untar the unloaded file:
tar xfz <DistributionFileName>
- Move the content of the directory mivavm-vX.XX to /hsphere/shared/miva:
mv mivavm-vX.XX/* .
rm -rf mivavm-vX.XX
- Set ownership to root:root on the content of the directory /hsphere/shared/miva:
chown -R root:root /hsphere/shared/miva
- Move file cgi-bin/mivavm-vX.XX to directory /hsphere/shared/miva:
mv cgi-bin/mivavm-vX.XX mivavm
- If you need to use commerce libraries you got from Miva, copy them to directory lib/commerce,
then create links to them as follows:
ln -s /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/ /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/
ln -s /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/ /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/
ln -s /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/ /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/
ln -s /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/ /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/
ln -s /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/ /hsphere/shared/miva/lib/commerce/
- If you have more than one web server, repeat the above steps for all web servers where you want to have Miva installed.
Miva Merchant Installation
- Log into the web server as root.
- Copy file Merchant-vY.YY-bundle.tar.gz to /hsphere/shared/miva.
vY.YY is Miva Merchant version.
- Create a link to Merchant-vY.YY-bundle.tar.gz:
ln -s /hsphere/shared/miva/Merchant-vY.YY-bundle.tar.gz Merchant-bundle
- In the admin control panel, select Global Resources in the INFO menu
and make sure Miva Empresa Engine and MIVA Resource are enabled.
- Select L.Servers in the E.Manager menu, then click
the web server, and at the bottom of the page that appears select the version of Miva Merchant:

- If you have more than one web server, repeat the above steps for all web servers where you want to have Miva installed.
- Login and Password for Miva admin interface are the same as for
FTP unless a user has activated the original Miva Merchant setup.
- If Miva is enabled, the user can't remove the cgi-bin
directory and CGI handler with .cgi extension in H-Sphere.
- mivadata and all its content is not removed
when Miva resource is removed.
- To make Miva work via SSL (htpps), an SSL certificate is required.
If a user cannot connect to Miva site by SSL (https://),
log into your Miva Merchant control panel via http, go to
the Domain Settings page -> Site configuration tab and check
secure URLs.
- You can install two instances of Miva on one logical server,
one version 4.12 and older, the other 4.14 or later.
- To enable Miva Merchant Follow Symlinks in mivaroot
and stddatadir, you need to add the following line into the miva.conf file: