Like all third party commercial products, Miva Empresa and Miva Merchant
are purchased and installed separately from H-Sphere.
Miva Merchant
requires Miva Empresa
(also known as Miva Virtual Machine or 'mivavm')
for web server XML scripting, e-commerce and database capabilities.
- MivaMerchant 5.x is supported starting from H-Sphere 2.4.3 Patch 1 inclusive.
It requires Miva Empresa 5.02 and higher.
- MivaMerchant 4.14 and later is supported from H-Sphere 2.3 RC 4 inclusive.
It requires Miva Empresa 4.02 and higher.
- MivaMerchant 4.13 and older is no longer supported with H-Sphere 2.4.3 Patch 1 and up!
It is recommended to install Miva products prior to H-Sphere winbox
software. If you choose to do so, simply install Miva Empresa and
Miva Merchant following Miva documentation. Afterwards, install H-Sphere
winbox software, and the installation wizard will guide you through the
Miva configuration procedure. If you need to install Miva on a running
winbox, you need to do the following:
- Install Miva Empresa using
Miva instructions.
- Go to your admin control panel, select E.Manager -> L.Servers, click
the Windows server, and at the bottom of the page that appears specify the version of Miva Merchant:

- Optionally, install miva commerce libraries.
- Open the configuration file <hsdir>\scripts\
(<hsdir> is H-Sphere installation directory).
- Set Miva Empresa, Miva Merchant, and optionally Miva commerce libraries directory paths in the Miva constants
section by changing values to the mivaDirectory, mivaMerchant,
and mivaCommerceLibDir parameters.
- Optionally, remove unused libraries from mivaLibNames and mivaLibMethods.
- Restart HSsvc service to apply changes
(Computer Management => Services and Applications => Services => HSsvc).
- Log into your admin Control Panel, select Miva Merchant Lic. in the 3rd party Tools
menu and enter your Miva Merchant licenses:

- Enable Miva in your hosting plans.
Once you have enabled Miva, users can turn them on in their control panels.
User's miva login and password are same as for FTP.
See related user documentation.