When you update Linux automatically by means of
up2date, apt-get,
or other RPM updaters, you must beforehand
exclude some packages installed with H-Sphere
from the update list:
- rh-postgres, postgresql, postgresql-server, postgresql-libs on CP and user postgresql boxes
- apache and apache-related packages on H-Sphere CP, WEB and MAIL boxes
- rsync on all H-Sphere boxes
- gettext on all H-Sphere boxes
- proftpd, frontpage and related packages on H-Sphere WEB boxes
- qmail, vpopmail, ezmlm, sqwebmail and related packages on H-Sphere MAIL boxes
- bind and related packages on H-Sphere DNS boxes
- aspell/ispell/pspell on CP
- XFree86 packages on CP: XFree86-base-fonts, XFree86-font-utils, XFree86-libs, XFree86-libs-data,
XFree86-xfs, XFree86-Xvfb. This is critical particularly for SiteStudio
If you have accidentally upgraded your RedHat without excluding these packages, you need to
downgrade PostgreSQL.