This document explains how to upgrade H-Sphere from 2.3.1 Patch 9, any of 2.3.2 versions,
earlier 2.4 betas and 2.4 RC 1 to 2.4 RC2. If your H-Sphere is lower than 2.3.1 Patch 9, please
update to this version first.
This candidate includes bugfixes in AntiVirus and AntiSpam resources, Sitetoolbox and Kanoodle managers and more.
- Don't forget to upgrade Winbox to 2.4 RC 1 if you have an older version of Winbox.
If you are updating from H-Sphere 2.4 RC 1, don't update Winbox component, because it hasn't changed between releases.
- The upgrade won't work without a valid H-Sphere license. Please check if you have enough licenses to
cover all accounts in the system.
- H-Sphere currently supports only the following operation systems:
Linux RedHat (7.2, 7.3, RHES 2.1, RHWS 2.1, RHAS 2.1, RHWS3, RHES3, RHAS3), CentOS (3.1), and FreeBSD (4.7, 4.8, 4.9)
- For correct performance of WebShell4, you need 1.3.29 apache update.
- Make sure to have H-Sphere 2.3.1 Patch 9 or an earlier 2.4 beta installed:
# cat ~cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/ | grep HS_VERSION
- Download 2.4 RC 2 installation package from the Positive Software site:
Make sure the target directory doesn't contain any other U24.0RC2 file!
- Stop H-Sphere using one of the following commands:
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpdcp stop
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop
To stop SiteStudio, stop Imaker by running:
# kill -9 `ps -axw|grep |grep -v grep|awk '{print $1}'`
# kill -9 `ps -axw|grep ImageMaker|grep -v grep|awk '{print $1}'`
- Run the update script:
# sh ./U24.0RC2
You will see a help window with a prompt to enter update options.
To update H-Sphere to version 2.4 RC2 and Site Studio to version 1.6 RC 3, enter:
To update only H-Sphere to version 2.4 RC2, enter:
To update only Site Studio to 1.6 RC 3, enter:
Later you'll be able to add more servers or services to the cluster by following the
Adding Servers and
Adding Services manuals.
- If you have windows servers and are updating from a version older than 2.4 RC 1,
update your Winbox to 2.4 RC1.
- Start H-Sphere CP:
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpdcp start
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start
- Start ImageMaker:
# /hsphere/shared/SiteStudio/ >& /hsphere/shared/SiteStudio/var/error_log 2>&1 &
# /hsphere/shared/SiteStudio/ >& /hsphere/shared/SiteStudio/var/error_log &
- Check the version of H-Sphere:
# cat ~cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/ | grep HS_VERSION
You will see a line similar to this:
2.4.0 is the version of H-Sphere,
423 is H-Sphere build,
You can have a later build of version 2.4.0.