Understanding DNS Server Configuration


Related Docs:   Adding DNS Zones (Admin Guide) Instant Alias Templates (Admin Guide) DNS Servers (Admin Guide) Restarting Named


    General Information

    H-Sphere DNS service can use either MyDNS or the bind8.x, 9.x package. If you use the Linux RedHat autoupdates, be careful not to update bind.

    To completely disable DNS service, stop the named. To disallow user zones on a particular DNS server, disable user signup for this logical server through H-Sphere web interface. This way, old customers will keep using it, and new customers won't.


    DNS Config Files

    The main configuration file location is /etc/named.conf
    It contains the following data:

options {
        directory "/hsphere/local/var/named";
        listen-on {;
        YOUR_IP_N; };
        pid-file "/hsphere/local/var/named/named.pid";
zone "." IN { type hint; file "local/named.ca"; };
zone "localhost" IN { type master; file "local/localhost.zone"; allow-update
{ none; }; };
zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" IN { type master; file "local/named.local";
allow-update { none; }; };
include "zones_index.conf";
acl anyip{any;};

H-Sphere DNS Zones

The main named directory both on master and slave DNS servers is /hsphere/local/var/named/.

It contains the zones_index.conf file, the zones_(NUMBER).conf files and the zones(NUMBER) directories, where (NUMBER) = 1, 2, ... , 22
This structure contains H-Sphere DNS info and files. To find a zone, execute the following commands:
# cd /hsphere/local/var/named/
# grep "Zone.Name.com" *.conf
It will return the data which contains the zone file location. But please don't modify it manually, especially, if you don't understand what you do.

The localhost and 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa zones files are located in the /hsphere/local/var/named/local/ directory.

Custom DNS Zones

If you need to add a custom zone, we recommend placing it into this directory. Note that H-Sphere won't manage your custom zones, you will have to manage them manually.

Reverse DNS

H-Sphere doesn't manage reverse DNS. To configure reverse DNS globally for the main H-Sphere domain, H-Sphere owner's ISP or domain registration company should accordingly configure reverse DNS for this domain on their DNS servers.

Related Docs:   Adding DNS Zones (Admin Guide) Instant Alias Templates (Admin Guide) DNS Servers (Admin Guide) Restarting Named

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