The package updater for H-Sphere 2.4.3 comes separately of the H-Sphere update script and allows you
to optionally install or update H-Sphere integrated third-party products as *nix packages.
Latest stable version: pkgupdates-hs243-3
Latest packages:
- hsphere-ftp-1.3.0-2
- hsphere-utils-1-2
- hsphere-webshell-4.3.5-1
- hsphere-rsync-2.6.8-1
- hsphere-bind-9.3.3b1-0
- hsphere-phpmyadmin-
- hsphere-phppgadmin-3.5.6-0
- hsphere-awstats-6.5-2
- hsphere-oscommerce-2.2ms2-2
- hsphere-phpBB-2.0.19-1
- hsphere-sudo-1.6.8p12-1
- hsphere-perl-1-7
- hsphere-webmails-2-20
- hsphere-mail-service-3-23
- hsphere-imap-4.1.1-0
- hsphere-frontpage-5.0-11
Before running the updater, please update Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and mail service packages
and run some other possible security patches. See for latest available versions.
Change Log:
(see update instruction in H-Sphere Packages Update)
Updated packages:
- hsphere-webmails-2-21
- hsphere-perl-1-8
- hsphere-utils-1-4
- hsphere-phpmyadmin-
(see update instruction in H-Sphere Packages Update)
Updated packages:
- hsphere-phpmyadmin-
- hsphere-mail-service-3-23
Updated packages:
- hsphere-bind-9.3.3b1-0
- hsphere-frontpage-5.0-11
- hsphere-webmails-2.20
- hsphere-phpmyadmin-2.8.2
- hsphere-mail-service-3-22
Updated packages:
- hsphere-ftp-1.3.0-2
- hsphere-phpmyadmin-2.8.1-0
- hsphere-webmails-2-19
- hsphere-mail-service-3-21
- hsphere-imap-4.1.1-0
(see update instruction in H-Sphere System Packages Update)
Updated packages:
- hsphere-ftp-1.3.0rc5-0
- hsphere-utils-1-2
- hsphere-webshell-4.3.5-1
- hsphere-rsync-2.6.8-1
- hsphere-bind-9.3.2-0
Updated packages:
- hsphere-phpmyadmin-
- hsphere-phppgadmin-3.5.6-0
- hsphere-utils-1-1
- hsphere-ftp-1.3.0rc4-0
- hsphere-awstats-6.5-2
- hsphere-oscommerce-2.2ms2-2
- hsphere-phpBB-2.0.19-1
- hsphere-webshell-4.3.4-1
- hsphere-sudo-1.6.8p12-1
- hsphere-perl-1-6
|  |