H-Sphere 2.4.3 +:
This update includes the following packages:
- Log into your control panel server as root:
su -
- Unpack the archive:
tar xzf pkgupdates-hs243-2.tar.gz
- Enter the unpacked directory:
cd pkgupdates-hs243-2
- To update all packages to the latest version, run the script:
sh update
Note: If you want some packages to be skipped during update or only specific package to be updated,
refer to package updater options.
For more info, see H-Sphere Package Updater Change Log
H-Sphere 2.5 +:
This update includes the following packages:
- hsphere-mail-service-4-8
- hsphere-bind-9.3.2-1
- MySQL packages with a security hole fixed:
- MySQL-server-4.1.19-0, MySQL-client-4.1.19-0 and MySQL-shared-4.1.19-0 (for Linux)
- mysql-client-4.1.19_1, mysql-server-4.1.19_2 (for FreeBSD)
- To update all packages to the latest version, execute:
Note: If you want some packages to be skipped during update or only specific package to be updated,
refer to hspackages options.